By the art of conjuring cheap tricks shalt thou conduct operations
Morphing process from path of light to path of darkness has been initiated. The sun is setting.
experimental transformation while operational solution cl
noli me tangere
caught CTRL+C (SIGINT), exiting after CTRL+D...

Our upcoming Pilot @ Malminkartano:
Steal my light
Speed awareness for dangerous crossroads
The benefits of using bicycles for transportation are well-known. These include health, environment, reducing traffic congestions and saving fuel & parking space. However, the safety of the rider is constantly at risk when interacting with heavier vehicles. Very few people know the right of way in different crossroads and in such situations, accidents may happen with serious consequences to vulnerable bicyclists.

The aim of this Pilot is to increase the awareness of situational speed in dangerous junctions. For this, the front light of an Alepa citybikes will be captured to estimate the speed of the bike and show it on a display.